Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Bondage Of Cult Mind Control

By Rafael Martinez, Director, Spiritwatch Ministries
"Mind control? There's no such thing!"
The very words seem so unreal, a millenial boogey-man, just another urban legend concocted by some paranoiac cranks to amaze and frighten people into the consideration of their fear-mongering agenda. It brings to mind vivid word pictures of  mindless, glassy eyed zombies under the control of puppet mastering demagogues. It hisses of secret government plans aimed at enslaving all mankind with drug-induced and electronic psycho-technology. One thinks of the tormented and trigger-bound "Manchurian Candidate" or Mel Gibson's haunted Jerry in the recent "Conspiracy Theory", passive victims of a perverse science. Such grotesquely evocative impressions flood the minds of those who hear the term, so unbelievably bizarre as to be dismissed outright as a fable. 
But that's not our point. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Siren Song: How Cults Deceptively Recruit

by Rafael Martinez, Director, Spiritwatch Ministries
 NOVEMBER 12 - UT Chattanooga, 10:06 a.m.

He was a likable, bright and sharp guy, but truth be told, he was actually a very quiet person whose lonely hours after work and school were getting too long. The party life was getting old - getting buzzed with a bunch of co-workers

The Truth About Satanism

By Lance E. King, Spiritwatch Ministries
A NOTE OF CAUTION: Please note that the following article contains a number of links to non-Christian source material.  In the interest of accuracy in research, these links have been provided to aid the mature Christian in gaining an accurate understanding of the beliefs under discussion.  It should go without saying that a link, for example, to the Church of Satan homepage is not an endorsement of their beliefs.  Be aware that we do not maintain editorial control over such links, and material contained on these sites may be offensive to some readers.